Is it just me?

by - 4:59 PM

When I dye my hair blonde, I want it brown
The beautiful Kate Upton source
Then after all that I want bangs

or when I cut it short I go out and get extensions.

When I workout and take care of myself I expect to look like this hehe
however, that hasn't happened yet :)

Is it just me or is it hard being a girl sometimes hehe, but wouldn't have it any other way :)

Can you tell that I am having a hair crisis at the moment? I can't decide what I want to do after spending so much time on getting the perfect shade of blonde heh. Now I want a beautiful darker shade for the fall and winter. I keep seeing all these beautiful celebrities with hair that I would love to have, but I can't make up my mind :)

all photos were found on the jjb boards or google images..otherwise the original link can be found by clicking on the photos!

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  1. I totally understand where you're coming from. If my hair is short I want it long....long I cut it short....etc. I never understand how some woman have the same hairstyle for 30 years or more. I can't keep the same one for more than a few months, lol.

  2. I totally get it! In the spring/summer I want bright blonde... Fall/winter I want a darker blonde... Thankfully I'm too scared to color my hair anything other than blonde, so i never go too far outside the norm... But I grow my bang out, then I want bangs again... I cut 26" off my hair, then I want my hair back... I guess it always goes back to "The grass is greener..." Take a picture I want to see your hair color now...

  3. Haha no it's not just you! That happens to me all the time sadly. Although I've learned to stick with what looks good on me and not just what looks good on Kim K or Heidi Klum. Ah, being a girl is tough but I love it! ;P

  4. hehe I keep telling myself just because they can pull it off doesn't mean I can. However, I still want what I don't have and then immediately want what I had :)

  5. Lol I agree with you!! I always do the same thing and can never make up my mind.. I am the worst at hair descions so I don't even know what to tell you =\ mine is blahh and I don't know what to do either! But you should take pictures for sure if you change it :)

  6. LOL i completely understand where your coming from in March I began lightening my hair gradually until i got to a light carmel brown with highlights. Then still needed change so i chopped my waist long hair to a short bob. now I want extentions and to go darker... ah sure is tuff being a girl!
