Makeup Artist Tips and A Rant

by - 4:24 PM

What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather indicates his fate.
 ~ Henry David Thoreau

Take your work seriously, but never yourself.
 ~ Dame Margot Fonteyn

It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not. 
~ Denis Waitley

Okay so the point of this post is because of something I see makeup artist doing A LOT! Posting on craigslist with ads that state something similar to the following "Bridal Makeup $25 and each member of your part for $10 a piece" 

It is hard being a makeup artist, and getting people to pay you what you know you deserve. When people contact me for quotes, I sometimes hear well I get quotes MUCH less from so and so. I explain to them why they would want to pay my pricing. I say you are paying thousands of dollars for your wedding,your dress,venue,and photography. Why would you want a bargain for your makeup, when that is what everyone is going to be seeing. No matter how beautiful and expensive that dress is, if your hair and makeup are a hot mess it will be seen first. It will haunt you in every picture, and you will regret it.

This post isn't about me being some makeup artist with a chip on my shoulder. It is about you believing in yourself enough to command more. To not sell yourself short, and to believe that your work is worth more. Your time,energy and materials are worth more than that. If you are asking more, they will assume it is for a reason. If you are charging bargain prices then maybe they will assume that is also for a reason. You get what you pay for perhaps?

I hope that even if you aren't a makeup artist, but you are someone that works for yourself you don't sell yourself short. Be your number one fan, if I could I would call you and tell you everyday that you deserve more! Here's to you being successful and demand more for your time.

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  1. I could not have said this any better!!! My husband and I were just discussing this because he is a photographer and the rules are pretty much the same. He knows a person that is trying to charge $100 for wedding photos. Not only does that sound absurd for wedding photos but it cuts into his business. People don't realize that when you put these ridiculous prices out there, then someone trying to make a living off of this business can't because these people are going around doing it for free basically. It's crazy!!!

  2. I know the photography business is really hard as well. I work with a lot of photographers who tell me horror stories. Everyone thinks they are a photographer,or their relative is and they do not want quality anymore.

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. I wish I was successful and had a talent so i could charge people lol
    I agree though I would never ever trust someone who says $10 per person! How can a nice face full of art cost only $10? Crzy!
    Would you ever do makeup looks of the day to show your skills off? I wanna see =D
    This was a great post too by the way:)
