The Ramblings of a Beauty Blogger,Makeup Artist and Makeup Lover

by - 12:52 PM

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I remember the moment I fell in love with makeup,and all things girly. Even when I went through my tomboy stage I still put sparkly glitter nail polish on the soles of  my Vans or Air walks and did my hair and makeup for the basketball games. I have been cutting peoples hair,and doing their makeup since I was a 12.  It is something that I have always loved and enjoyed being a part of. Long before there were You tube videos, blogs, twitter, and especially before I even knew what a Sephora was.

I have an older sister who is also an amazing makeup artist, who has I believe was born with a mascara wand and makeup brush in hand. She got me into doing makeup and even taught me how to do my very own perm in the 90's(shut up, it was the 90's). We use to buy Sassy magazine,YM and Seventeen and do makeovers on all the neighborhood kids.

Makeup and beauty has always been fun for me. I feel like since You Tube and the beauty blogging community has become so big it's not fun anymore. I want to learn something, see something different,be intrigued by what you say. If everything you put out there isn't out of honesty, and isn't coming from a good place then I don't have any interest in what you say. I only have 97 followers on my blog, and I turn down companies. Yes, I have turned down several companies who want to send me something that I have no interest in. I am honest to them and let them know that I will be honest to you. They decided to not send it to me, so it tells me that the reviews I see on these products are probably not in good faith.

I think it's amazing what can come from being a part of this community. The opportunties are endless, and they are amazing. I have met some of the greatest people just since I started this blog. I want you to know that I will not be posting endless reviews on things that are sent to me. I won't be rambling on about all my newest things, because money doesn't equal talent. I will keep my post to things that I want to share, I am not saying I don't do post that are frivolous. I don't care if you want to do a post a day about the Kardashian's at least you are being honest about who you are and what you like. 

I hope you take this post as it is meant, and know that I love being apart of this community. It just takes a few bag apples to ruin it for me sometimes. I love seeing your reviews,your input, new thoughts and ideas. I look forward to doing new post, and to seeing yours. 

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  1. Great post! I am a lover of makeup too! I have loved it for a loooong time but didn't really start experimenting until a year and half ago! I have learned so much from other bloggers and youtubers. I am so thankful for all of it. I started also cutting my own hair saves me a trip to the salon when I can do what I want and achieve the same results at home.. ha ha

  2. This is a great post. I love makeup to, and although I'm still a beginner compared to others, I love reading blogs to get to know people, and find and learn about products. It's good that you're being true to yourself and to us, because you helping all the people out there who need the help :)


  3. Hmm now I am super curious as to what crap you turned down,.email me lol
    Aw I am so envious you have a sister who you can share this with! I have 2 but they are too cool to talk to me so that is kind of sad=\
    I hope my blog doesn't bore you since I don't know how to do makeup well. I watch YouTube but it still looks like rainbow neutral bright threw up on my face lol. And I am trying but it's just not coroperating with me :(
    I love that you are being honest And those are my favorite blogs to read :) As well honestly is one of favorite things about some ppl:) ok ok I am rambling and I hope any of that made sense lol I am so tired right now!!!
    Ok I am rambling now
