Poise is here for all of your LBL needs!

by - 8:00 AM

 *Thanks to Poise and Linqia for sponsoring this post

Poise thin pads for lbl
 I have teamed up with Poise to tell you to how you can Recycle your Period Pads and stop using them for LBL(Light Bladder Leakage). You should use Poise which now has these thin shaped pads, that are made for all of your LBL concerns. They also have a nice quiet,discreet wrapper so you don't have to worry about them making even a sound when you use them!

You can reuse your period pads by placing them between yourself and your bra. I know for me with sports bra's they aren't always the best fit, and a lot of times they are a general S,M,L,XL sizing. So when you buy your assumed size and start working out you find quickly that it is chaffing you. 

Here is where reusing your period pad as a barrier between you and your bra would work out just great. As you can see in the photo above and below you can place the sticky side to place on the bra where you are being rubbed. The soft side can be against your skin, and although it is a temporary fix it can get you through a Zumba class.

Let Poise take care of all of your LBL needs and try them out for free here. If you or someone you know suffers from LBL be sure to sign up to try Poise Thin Pads.


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