Tips for Healing After Skin Resurfacing!

by - 1:09 PM

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Tips for Healing After Skin Resurfacing

When you get a laser resurfacing treatment, there’s a big possibility you’ll be extremely happy with the results. However, there’s also going to be some downtime following the procedure. Getting through that downtime doesn’t have to be a mystery – with these tips, you’ll heal quickly, feel more comfortable and get back to enjoying life before you know it.

How to Deal with Swelling

It’s common for your skin to be tender, swollen and pink following a resurfacing treatment. Swelling will begin right after the treatment, but it won’t be at its maximum until two or three days after the treatment. The amount of swelling you experience will depend on the severity of the treatment as well as the treatment area. There are ways to manage the swelling, though.

Your doctor may give you a prescription for steroids if he thinks you’re going to have a lot of swelling near your eyes. You may also be able to take an over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, but make sure your doctor approves it and that it won’t react with anything you’ve been prescribed.

You can also manage the swelling with cold ice packs. This will help most during the first day or two after treatment. Additionally, put an extra pillow under your head at night ¬– keeping your head elevated will limit the swelling. Even better would be if you could sleep in a chair or recliner for the first night or two.

How to Cleanse to Prevent Infection

After laser resurfacing, you want to make sure you’re keeping your skin clean so that infection doesn’t become an issue. You’ll want to gently cleanse your face in the morning and again at night. Don’t use very hot water, which can make the treatment area more uncomfortable. Use a gentle cleanser on your face and also use a gentle shampoo, like baby shampoo, on your hair while your skin is healing.

Don’t try to scrub away the crusts that will form in the treatment area. Also, make sure that you’re not using an exfoliating cleanser. Instead, the goals of cleaning right now will be to get rid of dirt, residue from lotions, and dead skin cells. The scabs may not be pretty to look at, but they’re normal following skin resurfacing, and they’re protecting your skin following the treatment. When drying your face after washing, always use a clean towel, and blot your face dry instead of rubbing.

More Ways to Keep Your Skin Clean While Healing

Here are a few more tips when it comes to cleansing and keeping your skin clean while healing:

• Cover your pillow with a new, clean pillowcase every night or so.

• Wash your hands before washing your face. Even though they’ll get clean with the cleanser, you want them to be clean before you touch your face.

• To keep bacteria away from your skin as it heals, don’t put your phone right up to your face and make sure to disinfect your sunglasses before wearing them.

• Don’t wear makeup of any kind until your skin is completely healed.

• Don’t workout while healing. Working out will raise your body temperature and also make you sweat, which can clog pores and irritate your skin. Ultimately, you don’t want to engage in any activity that can raise your body temperature, like using a Jacuzzi or sitting in a sauna.

When it comes to healing after a resurfacing treatment, the habits and routines you stick to can have a big impact on how long the downtime is.

How to Handle Sun Exposure

As your skin is recovering from the resurfacing treatment, it’s common for the new skin to be lighter than you’re used to. This means that the new skin will also be more sensitive to sunlight, and if you go outside without protection, you could easily burn and damage the skin. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible following resurfacing, and if you have to go outside, make sure to slather on a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. You should also look for a sunscreen with zinc oxide or another type of physical blocker. Also wear sunglasses and a hat to protect yourself from sun exposure.

What to Do if You’re a Smoker

If you’re a smoker, you’ll want to break the habit, at least temporarily, following skin resurfacing. It’s recommended that you avoid smoking for a minimum of two weeks following treatment. Smoking can impair the skin’s ability to heal quickly or correctly, and your wounds may not heal as well as they could if you continue to smoke. Smoking also increases the chance of other skin-related complications following laser resurfacing.

Using Special Skin Care Products

It’s likely that your doctor will prescribe you with post-treatment skincare products like Cohley Gel or CU3 Post-Laser Lotion. Most often, these products can be applied up to three times a day, but check the packaging or ask your doctor for specific directions. These products are intended to keep your face moist all the time, which will help your skin heal better and more quickly.

Dealing with Low Energy

After any type of skin treatment, especially something like laser resurfacing, it’s not uncommon to feel a bit fatigued and low on energy. This is normal, and it’s just a reaction to having the treatment; it doesn’t mean you’re sick or that something’s wrong with you. You may feel like this for up to 10 days. During this time, limit your activities, particularly physical activities. You may want to request some time off of work and clear your schedule so that you can give yourself the rest you need.

For more information, please call The Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami at 305.446.7700.

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